By Hippie Luxe
When we feel good, we look good! It is a given. Our outer being reflecting our inner self.
Let’s not kid ourselves, how we look and represent ourselves in the world is important. I’m pretty sure all of us want to be our most radiant self. A huge part of our physical appearance is of course the appearance of the complexion. Our skin being our largest organ (yup!!) will of course be a reflection of how healthy, radiant and vibrant we are within our bodies. Does it reflect life and good health?
Diet and lifestyle are key contributors for achieving your most vibrant and healthy self. A super important factor in our health that often gets overlooked are MINERALS. Vitamins have long been the favourite child, and tend to dominate our focus when it comes to health. However, MINERALS are SUPER important and responsible for carrying out important bodily functions via enzyme reactions. They facilitate enzyme function – without enzymes, cells don’t work. They are what give us our vitality! Our spark…
On a cellular level minerals transfer nutrients across cell membranes. They are essential for bone + tooth health, energy production, proper nerve and muscle function, immunity health, digestive health, cell renewal, regulating tissue growth, wound healing, infection protection, and hormone health…to name a few!
In regards to the MINERALS you should be focussing on and consuming, these are 6 important minerals that the skin requires for youthfulness, vibrancy and optimum health.
ZINC: aka the supporter of Collagen Production and Wound Healing.
Zinc is required for skin beauty, cell and bodily growth, night vision, cell repair, supporting immunity, balancing blood sugar levels and metabolic rate. It is wonderfully beneficial for healing wounds and repairing damaged skin. Zinc has antioxidant properties and will protect us against UV radiation (hence why it is in sunscreen!) and premature ageing of both the skin and muscles. Zinc helps eliminate waste and toxins from the liver, a key contributor for skin health. Zinc is an anti-inflammatory which is essential for preventing and reducing disease in the body, and skin conditions such as acne + rosecea. Like vitamin C, Zinc assists collagen production, increasing skin elasticity.Zinc controls the production of oil in the skin and helps to support hormone function so is really great for acne suffers.
A zinc deficiency can lead to DNA damage, hair loss and skin disorders. Acne, slow growth, rashes and poor eye sight.
The best plant sources are: pumpkin seeds, pecans, cashews, sunflower seeds, coconuts, spinach (organic), spirulina, seaweeds, plus other food sources being: oysters, poultry, dairy, liver, eggs, and beans
SULFUR: aka the third most abundant mineral in the human body!
Sulfur is present in every cell, with its greatest concentration being in the hair, skin and nails. It is definitely a mineral for enhancing the appearance of skin, hair + nails.Applied topically sulfur works to fight bacteria, clarifying the skin, and preventing and healing blemishes + acne. Dietary sulfur is essential for the production of collagen + for the elasticity in the skin. It is a also a powerful detoxifier.
A deficiency in sulfur may lead to acne, brittle nails + hair, digestive issues, memory loss, rashes, scar tissue, slow wound healing, arthritis.
A great source of sulfur is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane or Organic Sulfur) For plant sources:Radishes, Rocket, broccoli, Blue/Green algae, Brussel sprouts, Asparagus, Kale, Garlic, Onions, Hemp Seeds, Noni, Spirulina, Watercress, Sauerkraut. For other sources: Grass fed organic meats, like beef and chicken, and eggs.
SILICON: aka the Strengthener of Hair, Nails + Skin
Silicon is a trace mineral that helps strengthen the body’s connective tissues: muscles, tendons, hair, ligaments, nails, cartilage and bone, and is a vital component of maintaining healthy skin. A silicon / silica deficiency could lead to skin losing its elasticity, which results in premature ageing and a slower healing of skin wounds.Deficiencies can lead to brittle nails + hair, weak bones, poor skin appearance.
Plant sources include: Horestail, Nettle, Alfalfa, radishes, cucumber (with skin), burdock , Oats, romaine lettuce

MAGNESIUM: aka the Detoxifier
Magnesium is an essential mineral for skin, bones, teeth, hair and the muscles, and it helps keep the nervous system balanced and functioning. Essential for enzyme activation related to nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is also needed to facilitate calcium absorption. Being an electrolyte Magnesium is essential for us ‘electrical’ beings. Magnesium is really a giver of life. Without it we are in a bit of trouble! Be mindful, in larger quantities, magnesium can have a laxative effect as it relaxes the muscles of the stomach and intestines.Deficiencies can lead to muscles weakness + cramps, loss of appetite, fatigue, eye twitching, constipation, insomnia.
Found in: CACAO (the queen of magnesium, and SO tasty!), olives, spices, nuts, spinach and other green leafy vegetables
Take an Epsom Salts bath too! aka Magnesium Salts…which will be absorbed through the skin!
MANGANESE: aka The Blood Builder + Oxygenator
Manganese supports healthy collagen production. Manganese activates enzymes that help make the collagen protein, proline. The amino acid that gives collagen fibers their shape, fulness and elasticity. Manganese regulates iron and oxygenates the blood, nerves and brain cells.The best plant sources are: sea vegetables, cacao, spinach, sweet potatoes, hemp seeds, brazil nuts, almonds, pecans, kale, watercress.
SELENIUM: aka a powerful Antioxidant
Selenium is another of the essential minerals for skin, a powerful antioxidant that is important in maintaining the elasticity and flexibility of the skin. Antioxidants act as great anti-inflammatory agents and fight off free radical damage, i.e accelerate ageing and disease Like Zinc, people who have acne typically have low levels of selenium as well.The best sources of Selenium are Brazil Nuts, Fish, such as sardines and salmon are particularly high.
Just some food for thought....