BLOG — exfoliate
Jacqui Evans

Is your skin barrier in need of a rescue?
Let’s talk about something super important yet often overlooked—your skin barrier. This unsung hero plays a crucial role in keeping your skin healthy and radiant.
Jacqui Evans

11 genius tips for clearer skin (that cost nothing)
Here's our genius hacks for clear skin—or at least clearer skin—that won't cost a cent.
Jacqui Evans

4 signs your skin needs to be healed from within
It's the most common scenario - you're face flares up with acne or other skin complaints and you rush to your favourite beauty store to stock up on the latest skin care. Or maybe you've been bamboozled by what you've seen pop up in your Instagram feed. But, healthy glowing skin, must be managed form the inside out. Skin conditions, such as acne, are a symptom, not a diagnosis. Trying to heal acne by focussing on the skin is not going to yield permanent, glowing results. Yes, absolutely, some treatments may reduce acne in the short term or reduce that...
Jacqui Evans

21 (fun & gross) facts about your skin
Skin...we all have it...but how much do we really know about the body's largest organ? Sure, it plays a vital role in detecting hot and cold, regulating your body temperature and protecting your muscles, bones and internal organs from outside infection and disease. But that’s just for starters. There is so much more to your skin than you might think. Here are some of the most interesting (and slightly gross) facts about your skin: The average person’s skin covers an area of 2 square meters Skin accounts for about 15% of your body weight There are two types of skin -...
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