With Summer well and truly here (hooray!), most of us are going to be spending more time exposed to the comforting rays of the sun. Despite the heat, humidity and air conditioning all working against your skin, it is possible to maintain glowing skin all Summer long.
Here are my top 5 tips for glowing Summer Skin
1. Exfoliate
If you have been reading my newsletters for a while now, you will have noticed that I bang on about exfoliation, and for very good reason. Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day (don't freak out but your body sheds about 30,000-40,000 skin cells every single hour - eww!). If you don't get rid of them, they'll just sit on your skin making you look dull and dry. No matter how much moisturiser you use, you'll never achieve glowing skin if you don't exfoliate. You can learn how to exfoliate in this article here.
2. Keep Hydrated
One of the physical signs of dehydration is dry and lacklustre skin. Ideally your body needs at least 2 - 3 litres per day, but you can work out your own ideal water hydration amount here. Drinking water is the single most important thing for good skin.
3. Increase your Fruits & Vegetables
Dry skin is damaged skin. Raw foods like fruits and vegetables contain good amounts of vitamins that your skin needs to repair itself. Loading your plates with fruits and veg will help your body to make new and healthy skin cells. Eat the colourful fruits and veggies, that colour is responsible for great health-giving benefits.

4. Healthy Sun Exposure
Sun exposure is a great source of Vitamin D. As with all good things, however, it must be in moderation. The ideal maximum is around 15minutes before 10am or after 2pm. Do't ever allow your skin to burn in the sun. Ever. First, not everyone tans, second, the skin peeling response results from a whole layer of skin cells being damaged - it's the skins way of saying 'we've had enough'. I like mineral blocks, such as zinc or titanium dioxide which work by reflecting the suns rays away from the skin.
5. Add in moisture, moisture, moisture
Summer sun, in combination with the heat, humidity and air con, will dry out your skin. Lock that moisture in by applying face creams and body cream before heading out into the Sun. Our favourites this Summer are Argan & Rosehip Moisturising Face Cream and Grapefruit & Bergamot Body Cream.
So there your have it, 5 ways to get that gorgeous glowing Summer skin.
PS: We are on the final countdown to Christmas, so make sure you get all your orders in here so we can make sure our elves deliver them on time. Oh, and let us do all the hard work, we can wrap your gift this Christmas, so all you have to do is pop it under the tree (just leave us a little note when you check out of our store)
Enjoy the sunshine,