forget the glorification of busy
It's time we stop sprinting to the end-of-year finish line. After all, it's the most wonderful time of the year, and I plan on enjoying it and embracing everything that comes with it.
I'm sharing this post again, to remind myself and to remind you to slow down and enjoy more x
Somewhere along the way we learned that being busy equated to being successful, being worthy, being good, or being important. I don't know where it came from, or why we often feel the need to answer "how was your day?", "how are you?", "how was work?" or even "how was your holiday?" with the one standard reply "busy!".
What gives?
Whilst I choose not to use the word 'busy', just like you, my friend, my life is full. Between being a Mumma to my precious girls, a wife, a business owner, and everything else in between, I'm bit fed up with feeling overwhelmed, and while I am so grateful for everything that my life is and has, I've been on a quest all year to find ways to simplify my life and the life of my family. Here are some of the things I've learned (and am learning) along the way...
25 ways to simplify your life
1. Let it go
2. Create boundaries between work and home
3. Speak your truth
4. Learn to be still for 10mins each day
5. Say No more often
6. Listen
7. Ask for help
8. Accept help
9. De-clutter and live with less
10. Unsubscribe
11. Let go of a goal
12. No phones until you arrive at work
13. Practice single-tasking
14. Be honest with yourself
15. Menu plan for the week ahead
16. Buy a slow-cooker
17. You're perfect as you are
18. Turn off all notifications
19. Buy multi-tasking beauty products
20. Learn from your mistakes
21. Carry a water bottle everywhere
22. Prioritise
23. Don't open so many tabs
24. Read before bed
25. Appreciate all the facets of life that deserve gratitude
The simple things are always the best and matter the most,