I know it doesn’t sounds very glam, but beautiful, glowing skin does begin in your gut. So before you think about think about buying the latest miracle cream, why not invest your time and learn about improving your digestive health?
How can you improve your gut microbiome?
There are many ways to improve your gut microbiome to bring benefits to you skin.
Although there are a number of ways to do this – including de-stressing, sleeping well and avoiding environmental toxins – food, undoubtedly, has the most profound impact. So, today we're discussing probiotics.
Introducing Probiotics
You've no doubt heard of probiotics in the form of Yakult, and some of you have probably got a bottle of probiotics in the fridge (yes, you must keep them in the fridge because they are live microorganisms), but did you know you can consume probiotics through food?
Why do you take probiotics?
Probiotics help to restore the balance of ‘healthy bacteria’ in the intestines, and maintain a healthy gut. They can help combat bloating, gas and discomfort caused by overgrowth of yeasts or ‘unhealthy’ bacteria. They also produce special fatty acids that feed the cells lining the gut keeping them healthy, and boost our immune function. Most interesting, releating to the skin, they introduce healthy bacteria to the gut and create a barrier to reduce inflammation, which reduces the trigger to certain skin conditions. There is compelling evidence that probiotics hold promise for treating acne and rosacea.
While the research on probiotics is still in its relative infancy, they do seem to be beneficial, but here's the catch, only if taken every day. Taking them only now and again holds little value. Probiotics may be especially valuable during and after taking antibiotics and for boosting immune function during winter as they have been shown to reduce the number and severity of respiratory infections.
Incorporating probiotics into your diet is a great way to ensure a healthy nourished gut garden.
What foods contain probiotics?
Taking a probiotic supplement is the best means of getting a measured dose and identifiable species of bacteria. But you can also take them naturally by consuming the following foods:
Yoghurt is one of the best sources of probiotics
Kefir is a fermented probiotic milk drink. It is made by adding kefir grains to cow's or goat's milk.
Sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria.
Tempeh is a fermented soybean product. It forms a firm patty whose flavor is described as nutty, earthy or similar to a mushroom.
Kimchi is a fermented, spicy Korean side dish.
Miso is a Japanese seasoning.
Kombucha is a fermented black or green tea drink.
Pickles (also known as gherkins) are cucumbers that have been pickled in a solution of salt and water.